About This Site

This is my personal website. I have opted for a simple design to minimize the amount of data that must be transmitted as well as stored, for the purposes of both accessibility and for speed. I built this site to share a lot of what I have learned, because I believe that the tech industry should have as low a barrier to entry as possible. I try to share any free and helpful resources that I come across for this reason. And while many sites do offer lots of resources for free and from experts in their field, this site is meant only to supplement those resources, this is not at all meant to be a one-stop-shop for learning anything; this is why I aim to lean on all these other resources and redirect to said resources when applicable.

On this site you will find many of my notes, my explanations, and what I've read. Free resources can be found in my dedicated GitHub repository here.

About Me

I am a Jr DevOps Engineer at CGI working in the DC area; I got my bachelor's degree at James Madison University in 2021; I love working on open source projects to help myself learn pragmatic skills.

When I learn something new, I try to get to the bottom of it and understand it deeply from first principles. This approach requires a lot of resources, so I hope that this site can help others who think and learn like I do.

I currently hold Security+ and Linux+ certifications from CompTIA as well as a Cloud Practitioner Certification from AWS and several cloud certifications from Microsoft. While I have a few certifications, I think that practical displays of skill and knowledge are more important than tests; I prefer my GitHub projects over studying for certifications.

In my spare time I compete in capture the flag competitions under the team name hacienda. As of writing I am in the top 1% of Try Hack Me participants.